আজকের বিষয়: ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ ও প্রতিবেদন লিখন সাজেশন
অনার্স ২য় বর্ষ – হিসাববিজ্ঞান
বিষয়: ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ ও প্রতিবেদন লিখন
বিষয় কোড : ২২২৫১৩
ক বিভাগ: অতিসংক্ষিপ্ত প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
1. What do you mean by Business Communication?
Ans: The exchange of ideas, nears and viws in connection with business among the related. Parties is called business communication.
2. What is Communication model?
Ans: A communication model describes how communications works.
3. Define Upward Communication.
Ans: Upward communication means the flow of information that goes to higher authority from subordinates.
4. What is Mass Communication?
Ans: When communication takes place among large group of people then it can be termed as mass communication.
5. Define Memo.
Ans : Memos are used within an organization to exchange information.
6. What is face to face conversation?
Ans: When sender or receiver, speaker or audience speak orally and see one another physically. It is called face to face conversation.
7. What is Meeting?
Ans: Meeting means gathering of two or more people to take a decision on particular matter by sharing their views.
8. Write down fundamental principles of communication?
Ans. There are some fundamental principles.
9. Define Grapevine.
Ans: Grapevine is an informal channel or pathway of communication. In other words when communication uses informal network, it is termed as grapevine.
10. What do you mean by audio visual communication?
Ans : Audio-visual communication is a combination of sight and sound i.e. it uses audible and visual techniques both for transmitting message, information or idea to actual meaningful picture which is communicative.
11. What is Agenda?
Ans: List of subject-matters to be discussed in a meeting is called agenda.
12. What is E-communication?
Ans: When communication is done with the help of electronic devices, it is called electronic communication.
13. Define Formal report.
Ans: Formal reports are prepared according to specific format, it examines a complex problem indepth and provide recommendations.
14. Define business Communication.
Ans. The exchange of ideas, nears and views in connection with business among the related parties is called business communication.
15. What is communication process?
Ans. Communication process states the steps between sender and a receiver that result in the transfer of a message through any medium and understanding of meaning of the message and response made in terms of feedback.
16. What do you mean by upward Communication?
Ans. Upward communication means the flow of information that goes to higher authority from subordinates.
17. Define mass Communication?
Ans. When communication takes place among – large group of people then it can be termed as mass communication.
18. What is internal Communication?
Ans. Communication among the members of an organization is known as internal communication.
19. What is Speech?
Ans. Speech means talking, discussing or narrating on a specific matter or any other thing.
20. What is small group?
Ans. Small group is the interaction of people to achieve on interdependent goal.
21. What is demi official letter?
Ans. When a letter contains both official and personal information, it is called demi-official letter.
22. What is the meaning of MMS?
Ans. Multimedia Message Service.
23. What is electronic Communication?
Ans. When communication is done with the help of electronic devices, it is called electronic communication.
24. What is office memo?
Ans. A memorandum is a short-piece of writing generally used by the officers of an organization for communicating among themselves.
25. What is horizontal process?
Ans. Horizontal process of communication means communication flows from sender to receiver horizontally.
26. What is decoding?
Ans. Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender.
27. What is circular process?
Ans. The process which flows in a circular way is called circular communication process.
28. What is New Comb’s model?
Ans. New comb’s communication model is like triangular shape. This model needs the existence of three parties to execute the functions of communication that has been shown.
29. What is feedback?
Ans. Feedback is the return message or response from the receiver to the sender.
30. What is feedback model?
Ans. The feedback model implies the system or existence of feedback in the communication process.
31. What is message?
Ans. When there is any interest or intention or idea in the mind of sender and he makes encoding of such which is known as message.
32. What is Circular Model of Communication? (বৃত্তাকার মডেল যোগাযোগ কি?)
Ans. This model highlights two way communication. Here the importance is given on the response of the receiver. So, sender always anticipates feedback from the receiver.
33. How to make cross-cultural communication successful?
Ans. The following guidelines can help to improve cross-cultural communication :
a) Learn about cultures;
b) Improving communication skill;
c) Avoid non-verbal hints do maintain flexibility.
34. Define communication model.
Or, What is communication model?
Ans: A communication model describes how communications works.
35. What are the informal communication networks?
Ans. (i) Single strand chain (ii) Gossip chain, (iii) Probability chain and (iv) Cluster chain.
36. Define external operational communication.
Ans. Communication that takes place with the customers, suppliers, banks and other concerned outsiders is known as external operational communication.
37. What do you mean by ‘jargon’?
Ans. Jargon means technical word or words, which are not common to people of different profession.
38. Who encode the message?
Ans. The sender encodes the message.
39. The objectives of communication? (যোগাযোগের উদ্দেশ্য লিখ)
Ans. The objectives of communication are:
a) To achieve goal;
b) To achieve efficiency;
c) To solve problem;
d) To facilitate direction and motivation.
40. What is two-way Communication?
Ans. When a communication channel pushes the flow of information in two directions, back and forward, it is called two-way communication.
খ বিভাগ: সংক্ষিপ্ত প্রশ্ন
1. What do you near by Business communication? :
Or, Explain the concept of business communication.
2. What are the barriers to effective communication?
Or, Describe the barriers to effective communication in business organization.
3. Briefly discuss the various types of communication Skills.
Or, Describe the types of communication skills.
4. “Communication is the life blood of any organization”-Explain.
5. Or, Discuss the Importance of Business communication.
6. Discuss the functions of communication in business.
7. Is feedback essential for effective communication?
8. Differentiate business communication, general communication.
9. How to overcome communication barriers?
10. Mention the conditions of effective communication.
Or, State the Conditions of effective communication.
Or, How does communication make effective?
10. What is feedback?
11. Discuss the seven C’s of effective communication.
12. Briefly discuss the purpose of business communication.
Or, What are the purpose of business communication.
Or, Describe the objectives of business communication.
13. How to make upward communication effective?
Or, Discuss the essentials/factors of effective upward communication.
14. How to make horizontal communication effective?
Or, Discuss the essentials of effective horizontal communication.
15. State the demerits of upward communication.
Or, Discuss the limitation of upward communication.
16. Briefly discuss the merits of horizontal Communication.
Or, Describe the advantage/importance of horizontal Communication.
17. What are the objectives of mass communication?
Or, Discuss the purposes of mass communication
18. What causes the grapevine to be active?
Or, When the grapevine to be active?
19. How mass communication can be used in business?
20. What is horizontal communication?
21. Distinguish between formal and informal communication.
Or, Write down the differences between Formal and Informal Communication.
Or, Showed the different between formal and informal communication?
22. Distinguish between Communication process and Communication model.
23. How can upward communication be made more effective?
24. How does memorandum differ from letter?
25. Discuss the requirements of a valid meeting?
26. Discuss the various pattern of grapevine.
27. Discuss the advantages of Oral communication.
28. Discuss the essentials of valid notice.
29. State the features of business communication.
30. What are the 7c’S of Communication?
31. What are the benefits of upward Communication?
32. Why internal Communication is important?
33. Mention the features of office memo.
34. Briefly discuss advantages of video conferencing.
35. Mention the features of a good order letter.
36. What are the Qualities of a good resume?
37. Discuss the importance of communication Model.
38. Describe the various types of communication Skills.
39. Define communication model.
Or, What is meant by communication model?
40. Discuss the importance of communication model.
গ বিভাগ: রচনামূলক প্রশ্ন
1. Discuss the functions of Communication in Business.
2. Discuss the Different types of Non-verbal communication.
3. How non-verbal communication can be made more effective?
4. What are the characteristics of Mass communication?
5. Why mass communication is important in business?
6. What is business letter?
7. Sketch the different parts of a business letter?
8. What are the objectives of business Report?
9. Draft a weekly market Report on the Dhaka stock Exchange.
10. Define upward Communication.
11. Write down the differences between upward and downward Communication.
12 “Without feedback Communication is either ineffective or incomplete”- justify the statement.
13. State the scope of communication.
14. Explain how communication can increase the efficiency of management.
15. What are the unique features of business communication?
16. Discuss the essential qualities of a good communication.
Or, Describe the essential conditions/qualities/requirement of an effective communication.
17. How to conduct an interview effectively?
18. What are the possible causes of poor feedback?
19. What is effective communication?
Or, What is meant by effective communication?
20. What do you mean by communication process?
Or, What is commutation Process?
21. Discuss the elements of communication process.
Or, Discuss the essential features of communication process?
Or, Describe the components of communication.
22. Narrate the different types of communication process.
23. Why feedback is necessary for communication process?
Or, Is feedback essential for completeness of communication process?
Or, Why feedback is necessary for completion of the communication process?
ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ ও প্রতিবেদন লিখন
24. “Without feedback communication is either ineffective or incomplete.”-Justify the statement.
Or, Do you think that feedback is an inevitable component in the communication process.
25. Define communication.
Or, What do you mean by ‘Communication’?
Or, What is ‘Communication’?
26. What are the objectives of business communication?
27. What are the advantages of communication technology?
28. What is electronic communication?
29. Discuss the disadvantages of electronic communication?
30. What do you mean by Internet?
Or, Define Internet.
31. State the importance of internet communication in management.
32. State the importance of electronic communication.
33. What is the role of ICT in business communication?
Or. What are the advantages of Information Technology.
34. What is video-conferencing?
35. Briefly discuss the advantages of video-conferencing.
Or, Discuss the advantages of video conferencing.
Or, Discribe The importance of video – Conferencing.
36. What is memo?
Or, Define the memo?
37. Discuss the features of office memo.
Or, Mention the features of office memo.
38. Discuss the elements of communication process.
39. Describe the major media of downward communication.
40. Discuss the different parts of a business letter.
অনার্স হিসাববিজ্ঞানের শিক্ষার্থীরা এখানে ক্লিক করে অনার্স হিসাববিজ্ঞান ২য় বর্ষ ব্যবসায় যোগাযোগ ও প্রতিবেদন লিখন pdf ডাউনলোড করে নাও। অনার্স হিসাববিজ্ঞান ২য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য সাজেশন ডাউনলোড করতে এখানে ক্লিক করো। ডাউনলোড করতে অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। শিক্ষার্থীরা অন্যান্য বিষয়ের নোট ও সাজেশান্স পেতে আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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