জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের 17th and 18th century non fiction prose brief question এবং প্রশ্ন উত্তর। Subject: 17th and 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose, Subject Code: 231105। শিক্ষার্থীরা, কোর্সটিকার আজকের এ সাজেশনে তোমরা Part-A, Part-B এবং Part-C এর পূর্ণাঙ্গ সাজেশন পাবে। যার মধ্যে Part-A এর সবগুলো Brief Question তোমরা উত্তরসহ সংগ্রহ করতে পারবে।
17th and 18th century non fiction prose brief question
Part-A : Brief Questions with Answers
I. Of Marriage and Single Life
1. How do people leading a single life consider family life?
Ans. Some young persons leading a single life consider family life to be a bill of charges.
2. Why being unmarried does not mean anything different for judges and magistrates?
Ans. The aim of being unmarried is to be free from all burdens. But for Judges and magistrates it does not have anything special. For if an unmarried judge or magistrate is corrupt he would appoint some guard to get the bribe.
3. How are the chaste women?
Ans. The chaste women are usually proud of their chastity. But this can give a man disciplined and routine life.
4. When, according to Bacon, should a man marry?
Ans. As the author suggests that a young man should think seriously when he should marry. An old man should not at all marry.
II. Of Truth
1. Why Bacon compare truth to a pearl?
Or, How does the author compare truth?
Or, According to the author, what is the form of truth?
Ans. Truth is a ‘naked and open day-light’ that illuminates the objects of life. It is like pearl that shines in a day, not diamond that shines in the varied lights (say the lights of candle).
2. What can be resulted from a mixture of a lie?
Ans. It is found that a mixture of a lie can result pleasure for human being. But this pleasure is not permanent and it loses its appeal in the shortest span of time.
3. Why do people like the mixture of a lie with the truth?
Ans. People love to have the taste of mixing the truth with a lie for the reason that it gives people the taste of making vain hopes, false valuations and imaginations.
4. How does a poet adopt the shadow of a lie?
Ans. A poet adopts the shadow of a lie in making the poetry more appealing for the others. The piece of works in which creativity or imagination matters, truth is recognized half-heartedly. The masters of creative arts think that they are the worshippers of beauty not truth.
17th and 18th century non fiction prose suggestion
III. Of Plantations
1. What is the essay ‘Of Plantation’ about?
Ans. The essay illustrates the interest in English colonization in America.
2. What type of region according to Bacon should be selected for new colonization?
Ans. Bacon prefers to select uninhabited land for new colonization.
3. In what sense, planting a country is compared to planting a wood?
Ans. The task of planting a country is compared to the task of plantation in a wood.
4. What type of government that the author suggested to install in a plantation?
Ans. Government in a plantation should be in one hand, assisted with some counsels and commissions to exercise martial laws with some limitations.
IV. Of Great Place
1. What is a strange desire?
Ans. It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty over one’s self.
2. What is the consequence of downfall from high place?
Ans. The consequence of downfall from high place is tragic and miserable. A man in high place is always unwilling to forsake his position and for this reason has to bear unbearable insult and disappointment.
3. When do the men in high place find their fault?
Ans. The men in high place for their power and pelf and the flattery of others never become conscious of their faults and weakness which are easily discovered by others. They are the last to discover it.
4. Why are men in great fortunes strangers to themselves?
Ans. The men in great fortunes are strangers to themselves or ignorant of their own real nature because they are so busy with their duties of their high office that they have no time to look within themselves and understand their own faults.
Addison and Steele
1. What was the name of the periodical started by Steele in 1709?
Ans. The periodical is Tatler.
2. Who was the editor of ‘The Spectator’?
Ans. Steele was the editor of “The Spectator”.
3. What is the Tatler?
Ans. The Tatler was a British literary and society journal founded in 1709 by Richard Steele, who used the pseudonym “Isaac Bickerstall, Esquire”.
4. Write two names of the members of the ‘Spectator’s Club’.
Ans. Sir Roger de Coverley, Will Honeycomb.
I. The Spectator’s Account of Himself
1. What is the motive of writing ‘The Spectator’s Account of Himself?
Ans. The writer has observed that if a reader does not know the details of the writer, he/she does not find any interest in reading the piece of writing. So, he starts with the descriptions of his life.
2. Which places does the writer visit during his stay in the city?
Ans. He appears everywhere in all the resorts, coffee houses, clubs and inner rooms of politics, Exchange and so on.
3. Why do you think the writer keeps on visiting all the places?
Ans. He chose the life of a Spectator and observer. So, he needs to observe.
4. What do you think has driven the writer to live as a Spectator?
Ans. The writer’s silent nature has required him to choose the life of a Spectator.
II. Of the Club
1. Who is the first member of the Spectator’s Club?
Ans. Sir Roger de Coverley is the first member of the Spectator’s Club.
2. Name an English country dance?
Ans. Roger de Coverley is the name of an English country dance.
3. How old is Sir Roger now?
Ans. Sir Roger is a gentle man of fifty-six years old.
4. When does Sir Roger behave in an odd manner?
Ans. He behaves in an odd manner only when he is sure that people around him are in the wrong.
III. Sir Roger at Church
1. What is the social value of the Sunday?
Ans. On Sunday people gather at church to offer their prayers to God. It is also a social gathering where people get chance to converse and appear in their fresh look and with clean dress. According to Addison, people would have become savages if they did not attend church on Sunday. Their attendance in the church keeps them away from barbarism.
2. How does Sunday clear away the rust of the whole week?
Ans. Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week by refreshing the notions of religion in the minds of the villagers and refreshing their minds from the monotonous routine work of the whole week.
3. What is the significance of the Sunday?
Ans. As described in the Book of Genesis, God worked hard to create the heavens and the earth in six days and took rest on the seventh day and this seventh day is the Sunday.
4. What is the ‘Change?
Ans. The ‘Change refers to the Royal Exchange in London where business is transacted.
Part B : Short Questions
Francis Bacon
I. Of Marriage and Single Life
1. How does the author refute the point that the riches that have wealth have more children?
2. “Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants, but not always best subjects”. Justify.
3. How can a man having a family lead a peaceful and disciplined life? / Can the family life best contribute to the peaceful life?
II. Of Truth
1. Write a short note on Bacon’s ‘Dispersed Meditations’.
2. What benefits do people of different professions want to have from lies?
3. Why do people get fascinated to tell lies?
4. Describe Bacon’s concept of truth.
III. Of Plantations
1. ‘Planting of countries is like planting of wood’-Why are countries compared to wood?
2. ‘It is the sinfullest thing in the world to forsake or destitute a plantation…’ Explain.
3. What measures should a planter take to organize in the early days of its plantation?
IV. Of Great Place
1. What are the ways of winning a high place?
2. What, according to Bacon, are the disadvantages of having great place in life?
3. How does a man holding a high position lose liberty?
V. Of Revenge
1. What are Bacon’s arguments in favour of revenge?
2. How does Bacon argue against revenge?
3. Why does Bacon call revenge a kind of wild justice?
VI. Of Love
1. Explain with reference to context:- “That it is impossible to love and to be wise”.
2. How does love degrade a human being?
3. “Nuptial love maketh mankind, friendly love perfecth it; but wanton love corrupth and embaseth it” – Comment.
I. The Spectator’s Account of Himself’
1. Which places did Addison go frequently in the city?
2. How does Addison express his modest attitude?
3. What do you know about the education of Joseph Addison from “The Spectator’s Account of Himself”?
Part C : Broad Questions
Francis Bacon
1. How would you explain the fact that Bacon’s essays never fail to attract readers / Would you call Bacon a good adviser?
2. Discuss Francis Bacon as a moral and utilitarian philosopher based on your reading of his essays.
3. Evaluate Francis Bacon as an essayist.
4. Bring out the Renaissance elements from Bacon’s essays.
Addison and Steele
1. Depict the 18th century social pictures portrayed in ‘Coverly Papers’.
2. Write an essay on Addison’s prose style.
3. Discuss Roger as a fascinating and humorous character.
Samuel Johnson
1. What are the epic qualities found in Davideis?
2. Critically analyze Johnson’s art of writing a biography.
3. Comment on Dr. Samuel Johnson as a critic and biographer.
4. What according Johnson are Cowley’s strength and limitations as a poet?
Edmund Burke
1. Was Edmund Burke opposed to colonial rule? Comment on his view about India as revealed in speech on East India Bill./ Write on Burke’s view about India as revealed in “Speech on East India Bill”.
2. Write on Burke’s prose style.
3. Narrate briefly about the abuses and corruptions inflicted upon the Indians by the East India Company./ What picture of the East India Company do you get from Burke’s Speech on the East India Bill?/ Write a critical note on the British East India Company.
4. Comment on Burke’s oratory skill and style as found in his “Speech on East India Bill”.
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীরা, ওপর দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করে 17th and 18th century non fiction prose brief question উত্তর ডাউনলোড করে নাও। ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য বিষয়ের Brief, Short এবং Broad Questions পাওয়া যাচ্ছে কোর্সটিকায়। ডাউনলোড করতে কোন অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। এছাড়াও আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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