National University honours 4th year English Literature Department suggestion. honours 4th year 20th century novel suggestion and question answers. Subject : 20th Century Novel, Code : 241107.
20th century novel suggestion
Part-A : Brief Question with Answer
Heart of Darkness
1. Who is Joseph Conrad?
Ans. Joseph Conrad is primarily known as a writer of sea stories, one of the leaders of the Modernist movement, with his novels displaying a masterful narrative technique.
2. In what sense is Marlow different from other seamen?
Ans. Among the persons on board, the Nellie, Marlow is the only man who is a sea-farer in the truest sense. Besides being a seaman, he is also a wanderer unlike other seamen.
3. How does Marlow’s voyage become an exposure to the colonial system?
Ans. The reference to the Roman colonization in Britain sets the pattern for Marlow’s story. The voyage enables him to see the workings of the modern colonial system based on the principle, ‘might is right’.
4. What is Marlow’s attitude to colonization?
Ans. Marlow denounces colonization as robbery with violence, aggravating murder of the innocents on a great scale.
5. What is the meaning of ‘whited sepulcher’?
Ans. While Marlow arrives at the Company’s headquarters in Brussels, he regards the city as a ‘whited sepulcher.’ This means the place is outwardly very pleasant and religious but actually it is disgusting and corrupt.
A Passage to India
1. When did E.M. Forster visit India for the first time?
Ans. In 1912 E.M. Forster visited India for the first time with Lowes Dickinson and R.C. Trevelyan and became friendly with the Maharaja of Dewas State Senior.
2. What prizes were awarded to Forster for writing A Passage to India?
Ans. E.M. Forster was awarded the Famina vie Heureuse and James Tait Black Memorial Prizes for fiction in 1925.
3. When did Forster visit India for the third and last time?
Ans. In 1945 Forster visited India for the third and last time to attend a conference in Jaipur.
4. When did Forster decline a knighthood?
Ans. Forster declined a knighthood in 1949.
5. How many communities do live in the city of Chandrapore?
Ans. Three distinct communities live in the city of Chandrapore the Europeans, the Indians, and the Euro-Asians. They all live in separated localities on either side of the railway line and on the rise near it.
To the Lighthouse
1. Who was Virginia Woolf?
Ans. Virginia Woolf was a novelist, short story writer, feminist, socialist and pacifist of the modern age.
2. What was Virginia Woolf’s original name?
Ans. Virginia Woolf’s original name was Adeline Virginia Stephen.
3. What kind of novel is To the Lighthouse?
Ans. To the Lighthouse is an autobiographical fictional novel with its many characters and events, based on the author’s family but at the same time several philosophical issues, its style and social concerns have shaped the novel into a great work of art.
4. What literary techniques does Virginia Woolf employ in her novel To the Lighthouse?
Ans. Rejecting the conventional method of narration in To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf presents interior monologues of different characters but she makes the central intelligence (the omniscient narrator) constantly busy organizing the material and illuminating it by frequent comments.
5. What is a stream of consciousness novel?
Ans. Stream of consciousness novel is a type of modern psychological novel in which a story emerges from and is often limited by the narrative perspective of the stream of consciousness of one or more characters.
Sons and Lovers
1. In what sense is Sons and Lovers a psychological novel?
Ans. Sons and Lovers is the first psychological novel in English. It deeply examines the Freudian theory of the Oedipus complex.
2. What do you mean by ‘Hell Row’?
Ans. ‘Hell Row’ refers to the kind of dwellings which were inhabited by the miners in Eastwood (called Bestwood in the novel Sons and Lovers). Originally, there was a group of buildings which were nicknamed ‘Hell Row’. This was a block of thatched cottages which stood by the brook-side on Greenhill Lane.
3. What does ‘Bottoms’ mean?
Ans. ‘Hell Row’, the dwellings of the colliers was burned down because of its filthiness and the company owning the coal mines in Nottinghamshire area, built a large quadrangle of dwellings on the site of ‘Hell Row’. These dwellings were known as the ‘Bottoms’.
4. How does Gertrude fall in love with Walter Morel at first sight?
Ans. Gertrude Coppard meets Mr. Walter Morel at a Christmas party at the age of 23. She is at once fascinated with his smartness, sense of humour, good manners and manliness.
5. When are Gertrude and Walter Morel married?
Ans. Gertrude Coppard and Walter Morel are married the next Christmas after their first meeting at the previous Christmas party.
The Grass is Singing
1. When was Doris Lessing awarded the Nobel?
Ans. In 2007, Doris Lessing was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
2. Which book marked the feminist movement of Doris Lessing?
Ans. The Golden Notebook (1962) was Doris Lessing’s real breakthrough. It was a pioneering work in feminist movement, dealing with the twentieth-century view of the male-female relationship.
3. Why is The Grass is Singing called a debut novel of Doris Lessing?
Ans. Debut refers to the first appearance or introduction of someone’s art, music or literature to the public. The Grass is Singing is Doris Lessing’s first novel published in 1950, dealing with the racial conflicts in South Africa.
4. What is the setting of the novel, The Grass is Singing?
Ans. The novel, The Grass is Singing is set in Southern Rhodesia, now called Zimbabwe which was a self-governing British colony in the twentieth century.
5. What is the theme of the novel, The Grass is Singing?
Ans. The Grass is Singing deals with a failed marriage, the febrile neurosis of white sexuality, and the fear of black power and energy that Lessing saw as underlying the white colonial experience of South Africa.
Part-B : Short Questions
Heart of Darkness
1. Comment on the setting of the novel ‘Heart of Darkness’.
2. What does the knitting of black wool in Heart of Darkness signify?
3. What do you know about the pilgrim in Heat of Darkness?
4. What do you know about the Manager of the Central Station in Heart of Darkness?
5. What impression do you form of the Chief Accountant at the Company’s Station in ‘Heart of Darkness’?
6. Write a short note on Kurtz’s Intended.
7. Write a short-note on the theme of ‘Hollow Men’ in Heart of Darkness.
8. What do you know about Kurtz?
9. Comment on the significance of the title Heart of Darkness. / What is the meaning of the title Heart of Darkness?
10. What does the word, ‘horror’ signify in the novel, ‘Heart of Darkness’?
A Passage to India
1. What is the significance of the friendship between Dr. Aziz and Mrs. Moore?
2. Why does the Bridge Party fail in A Passage to India?
3. Briefly describe the Marabar Caves in ‘A Passage to India’.
4. Describe the trial scene in A Passage to India.
5. Sketch briefly the character of Adela Quested in A Passage to India.
To the Lighthouse
1. What is Mrs. Ramsay’s view of Lily?
2. What is the significance of the journey to the Lighthouse?
3. What kind of structure do you find in To the Lighthouse?
4. What are the reasons for Lily’s feeling of triumph over Mrs. Ramsay?
5. How does Lily Briscoe experience an epiphany at the close of the novel, ‘To The Lighthouse’?
Sons and Lovers
1. What is ‘Oedipus Complex’? How is it treated in the novel, ‘Sons and Lovers’?
2. What is Lawrence’s idea about the man-woman conflict in ‘Sons and Lovers’? / battle of sexes.
3. Briefly describe the last day in Gertrude Morel’s life.
4. Discuss the symbolic use of ‘coal-pits’ in ‘Sons and Lovers’.
5. How does Lawrence employ the stream of consciousness technique in Sons and Lovers?
The Grass is Singing
1. How was Mary brought up and educated?
2. How does the author portray racial discrimination through the experience of Mary on Dick Turner’s farm?
3. How does Charlie Slatter take control of the murder case of Mary Turner?
4. Sketch briefly the character of Mary Turner.
5. Write a short note on apartheid.
1. My Intended my ivory, my station, my river, my -everything belonged to him.
2. ‘His was an impenetrable darkness. I looked at him as you peer down at a man who is lying at the bottom of a precipice where the sun never shines’.
3. ‘Marlow ceased, and sat apart, indistinct and silent in the pose of a meditating Buddha’.
4. ‘Madam, this is a mosque, you have no right here at all; you should have taken off your shoes; this is a holy place for Moslems.’
5. ‘We may hate one another, but we hate you most.’
Or, ‘They didn’t want it, they said in their hundred v I voices, ‘No, not yet’, and the sky said, ‘No, not there’.’
Short Notes
1. The Nellie
2. The Caves
3. Interior Monologue
4. Stream of Consciousness novel
5. Modern Novel
6. Chandrapore
7. The Temple
8. Autobiography
9. Oedipus Complex
10. Stream of Consciousness Technique
Part-C : Broad Questions
Heart of Darkness
1. Justify the title of the novel Heart of Darkness. / How does Joseph Conrad explore the different shades of meanings of Darkness in the novel, ‘Heart of Darkness’?
2. Comment on Conrad’s narrative technique in Heart of Darkness.
3. Write on the character and role of Marlow in Heart of Darkness.
4. Analyze Conrad’s use of symbols in Heart of Darkness.
A Passage to India
1. Comment on the British Raj in India in the novel A Passage to India.
2. Discuss Forster’s use of symbols in A Passage to India.
3. How is the theme of separation represented in ‘A Passage to India’? / Comment on the theme of conflict of cultures in A Passage to India.
4. Examine and estimate Aziz-Fielding relationship in A Passage to India.
5. Critically examine Forster’s depiction of Anglo-Indian community in Chandrapore.
To the Lighthouse
1. Discuss the use of symbols in To the Lighthouse.
2. Examine the aptness of the title To the Lighthouse.
3. Do you consider To the Lighthouse to be an autobiographical novel? Why?
4. Discuss the character of Lily Brisco.
5. Critically analyze the significance of the journey to the Lighthouse.
Sons and Lovers
1. Analyze the father-son relationship in Sons and Lovers.
2. Comment on the character of Walter Morel.
3. Discuss the treatment of love and marriage in ‘Sons and Lovers’.
4. Comment on the autobiographical elements in the novel Sons and Lovers.
5. Why does Paul fail to achieve meaningful relationship with either Miriam or Clara in Sons and Lovers?
The Grass is Singing
1. Comment on the significance of the title The Grass is Singing.
2. How are the black African treated in ‘The Grass is Singing’?
3. Discuss the setting of the novel The Grass is Singing.
4. The novel The Grass is Singing is a story of a failed marriage Discuss.
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