তোমরা যারা ২০২৫ সালে এসএসসি দিবে, কোর্সটিকায় তোমাদের স্বাগতম। তোমাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিকে সহজ করতে Changing sentences গুলো আজকে শেয়ার করবো। Changing sentences এর ওপর তৈরি করা এই সাজেশনটি তোমাদের জন্য অত্যন্ত সহায়ক হবে।
এখানে তোমরা, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জ্ঞানমূলক প্রশ্নগুলোর পাশাপাশি উত্তরগুলোও জানতে পারবে। কোর্সটিকায় প্রকাশিত ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের উত্তরসহ সকল সাজেশন গুলো মনোযোগ দিয়ে অনুশীলন করলে তোমাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি হবে আরও সহজ।
Changing sentences SSC 2025
1. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Once upon a time there was a little girl Tarin. (Compound)
(b) Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)
(c) She passed her time in reading and writing (Interrogative)
(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)
(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive)
(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)
(g) She also helped her mother in her free time. (Complex)
(h) She never told a lie. (Interrogative)
(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)
(j) She worked hard to shine in life. (Complex)
2. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory sentence)
(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive)
(c) It is played all over the world. (Active voice)
(d) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative degree)
(e) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Simple sentence)
(f) The game is played between two teams each consisting of eleven players. (Complex sentence)
(g) There are two umpires who conduct the game. (Simple sentence)
(h) It is full of thrill and excitement for the spectators. (Interrogative sentence)
(i) Bangladesh is a test playing country developing its standard day by day. (Compound sentence)
(j) We must try our best to improve its present position.
(Negative sentence without changing meaning)
3. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Positive)
(b) It was not invented overnight. (Active)
(c) Scientists spent many years and worked hard to invent television. (Complex)
(d) Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Negative)
(e) People of all ages like to watch television. (Interrogative)
(f) The programmes telecast by television are very interesting. (Complex)
(g) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive)
(h) If you watch television, you can learn many things. (Simple)
(i) People spend their free time by watching television. (Compound)
(j) Very few things are so useful as television. (Superlative)
4. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (Interrogative)
(b) Isn’t it the symbol of love and beauty? (Affirmative)
(c) Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)
(d) We present flower to our nearest and dearest persons. (Passive)
(e) We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)
(f) The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive)
(g) Having sweet scent and beauty we love it very much. (Compound)
(h) It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)
(i) The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)
(j) As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day, we should cultivate flowers on commercial basis. (Simple)
5. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Haji Muhammad Muhsin was more generous than many other men in this subcontinent. (Positive)
(b) He was born in Hoogly. (Complex)
(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)
(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)
(e) He is called the friend of humanity. (Active)
(f) He did not marry. (Affirmative)
(g) During his life time he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)
(h) He was so kind that he could not refuse any one’s request. (Compound)
(i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)
(j) He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)
6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Health is wealth. (Complex)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.
(c) hough a healthy man is an asset to his.family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Compound)
(d) He can succeed in life. (Interrogative)
(e) So, everybody can not but be conscious of his health. (Affirmative)
(f) Everybody must take care of his health all the time. (Negative)
(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Active)
(h) The people who are poor can not afford to take a balanced diet. (Simple)
(i) They are very concerned about the quantity of food. (Exclamatory)
(j) Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Passive)
7. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Complex)
(b) I was very glad. (Negative)
(c) I accepted the invitation. (Passive)
(d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Simple)
(e) I was excited to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)
(f) It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)
(g) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive)
(h) It is called the pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active)
(i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Compound)
(j) If I could visit the sea-beach!. (Assertive)
8. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) The students studying regularly can expect a good result. (Complex)
(b) But most of our students are inattentive to their studies. (Negative)
(c) They waste their valuable time idly. (Passive)
(d) Wasting time is harmful to them. (Interrogative)
(e) By repeating this activity they make a poor result. (Complex)
(f) Who loves them then?. (Assertive)
(g) They are treated badly even by their family members. (Active)
(h) If a student fails in the examination he suffers from inferiority complex. (Simple)
(i) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed one. (Superlative)
(j) So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively so that he can do well in tfa examination. (Simple)
9. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Haji Mohammad Muhsin was not an unkind man at all.
(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)
(c) He was unmarried. (Negative)
(d) During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)
(e) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)
(f) Seeing Muhsin, the thief cried. (Compound)
(g) The thief was caught. (Active)
(h) How needy the thief was!. (Assertive)
(i) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)
(j) Muhsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)
10. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Madhusudan Dutt was a very popular poet. (Exclamatory)
(b) He was one of the greatest dramatists in Bangla literature. (Positive)
(c) He was born at Sagordary on the bank of the Kapotaksho. (Complex)
(d) When he was a boy, he desired to be an Englishman. (Simple)
(e) He was recognised by his teachers as a precious child. (Active)
(f) He thought that he was born on the wrong side of the planet. (Interrogative)
(g) He also thought that his society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Negative)
(h) Again he believed that none but the West would be more receptive to his creative genii (Affirmative)
(i) He was an ardent follower of Lord Byron. (Interrogative)
(j) He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Simple)
11. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) The cuckoo is a bird of very shy nature. (Complex)
(b) It is not always found beside human habitation. (Affirmative)
(c) They hide themselves and coo from the high branches. (Simple)
(d) Though they are timid, they are clever. (Compound)
(e) They lay their eggs in the nests of crows. (Compound)
(f) They are cleverer than the crows. (Positive)
(g) They do not hatch their eggs because they are lazy. (Simple)
(h) The crows raise the baby cuckoos. (Passive)
(i) When the babies grow up, they fly away. (Compound)
(j) Crows never understand it. (Interrogative)
12. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Very few persons are so/ as famous as Columbus. (Superlative)
(b) He passed his early life in sorrows. (Negative)
(c) He became a sailor in his boyhood. (Complex)
(d) There he came in contact with many people and learnt many things about them. (Simple)
(e) During these voyages, very often Columbus gazed at the vast sheet of unlimited water. (Passive)
(f) Nobody can be compared withhim. (Interrogative)
(g) Though he sailed for India, he reached America. (Compound)
(h) He thought it to be India. (Complex)
(i) He was the first man to cross the Atlantic. (Interrogative)
(j) When he reached the shore, he became excited. (Simple)
13. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Charles Babbage was a British mathematician. (Negative)
(b) He was born on 26 December 1791, probably in London. (Compound)
(c) He was often unwell when he was a child. (Simple)
(d) In 1810 he went to Cambridge University to satiate his interest in mathematics. (Complex)
(e) After graduation he was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on calculus. (Active)
(f) In 1820s Babbage worked on his ‘Difference Engine’, a
machine which could perform mathematical calculations. (Simple)
(g) His ‘Difference Engine 2’ was bigger and better than ‘Difference Engine 1. (Positive)
(h) His invention ‘Analytical Engine’ was a very complex machine. (Exclamatory)
(i) He is remembered for this invention as the pioneer of computer. (Active)
(j) He died in London at his home on 18 October 1871. (Complex)
14. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) There are many virtues that man should possess. (Simple)
(b) They are necessary to make a human being a real human. (Negative)
(c) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)
(d) A truthful person is true to himself. (Interrogative)
(e) Everybody respects a truthful person. (Interrogative)
(f) A truthful person may lead a poor life but is honored everywhere. (Simple)
(g) A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Complex)
(h) It brings peace in one’s mind. (Passive)
(i) It leads to discovering to the inner truth of oneself. (Complex)
(j) A true heart is more spacious than all false impressions taken collectively. (Positive)
15. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.
(a) Everybody wants a friend. (Negative)
(b) The heart is formed of love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receive love. (Complex)
(c) But you cannot receive love unless you give it. (Simple)
(d) You cannot be happy without it. (Interrogative)
(e) As love js divine everybody wants it. (Compound)
(f) If one gets it, one becomes happy. (Simple)
(g) People going without love become harsh. (Complex)
(h) They lead very charmless life. (Exclamatory)
(i) We should love every of our near ones. (Passive)
(j) A loveless person is the crudest person. (Positive)
উপরোক্ত প্রশ্নগুলো বিগত বছরের বোর্ড প্রশ্ন যাচাই-বাছাই করে বের করা হয়েছে। উপরে আলোচিত Changing sentences গুলো অনুশীলনের মাধ্যমে তোমরা পরীক্ষায় কমন পাবে বলে আমরা আশাবাদী।
আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে তোমার প্রয়োজনীয় সাবজেক্টের প্রশ্নের উত্তর না পেলে কোর্সটিকা ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করতে পারো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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