class 7 english chapter 9 question answer : Biography – জীবনী, জীবন-বৃত্তান্ত, Chronologically – ঘটনাক্রমে, Remarkable – উল্লেখযোগ্য, স্মরণীয়, Anatomy – দেহতত্ত্ব, অঙ্গ-ব্যবচ্ছেদ বিদ্যা, Various – বিভিন্ন, Genocide – গণহত্যা, Contribution – অবদান, Shed – চিহ্ন, Advice – উপদেশ, Identity – পরিচয়।
class 7 english chapter 9 question answer
9.1 Let’s know our friends!
In pairs/groups discuss what and how you will tell your life story in front of the class. Then, write a short text about it. Later, share it with the whole class.
Your Life story
• Write about your –
• Birth
• Childhood
• The first day at school
• Memorable days or events of your life
• Future plan
I’m Meena, a student of class seven. I live in Sylhet. I have been growing up in Sylhet since my childhood. And this is my birthplace. Last year I was in class six and went to secondary school for the first time in my life. On the first day the class teacher introduced us. He asked each of us by name and also introduced himself. Finally he gave us a piece of advice, ‘You will come to school regularly, and complete your daily studies every day.’ I love my school very much. Annual sports competition is organized in our school at the end of the year. In last year’s games I placed first in an event and received a gold medal as a prize. That day is the most memorable day of my life. I want to study and become a great doctor. So that I can provide good medical services to the people of the country at low cost.
অনুবাদ: আমি মীনা, সপ্তম শ্রেণির একজন ছাত্রী। আমি সিলেটে বাস করি। শৈশব থেকে সিলেটেই আমি বেড়েছি উঠছি। আর এটিই আমার জন্মস্থান। গত বছর আমি ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণিতে উঠে জীবনে প্রথম মাধ্যমিক স্কুলে যাই। প্রথমদিন শ্রেণিশিক্ষক আমাদের সাথে পরিচিত হলেন। তিনি আমাদের প্রত্যেকের নাম জিজ্ঞেস করলেন এবং তার নিজের পরিচয়ও আমাদের দিলেন। সবশেষে তিনি আমাদের একটি উপদেশ দিয়ে বললেন, ‘তোমরা নিয়মিত স্কুলে আসবে, আর প্রতিদিনের পড়া প্রতিদিন শেষ করবে।’ আমি আমার স্কুলকে অনেক বেশি ভালোবাসি। বছরের শেষের দিকে আমাদের স্কুলে বার্ষিক ক্রীড়া প্রতিযোগিতা আয়োজন করা হয়। গতবছরের খেলায় আমি একটি ইভেন্টে প্রথম স্থান অর্জন করেছিলাম এবং একটি স্বর্ণপদক পুরস্কার হিসেবে পেয়েছিলাম। সেই দিনটি আমার জীবনের সবচেয়ে স্মরণীয় দিন। আমি পড়াশোনা করে একজন বড় ডাক্তার হতে চাই। যাতে আমি দেশের মানুষদের অল্প-খরচে ভালো চিকিৎসাসেবা প্রদান করতে পারি।
9.2 Read the note on “The Narrative Text”. Then in pairs/groups, do the “True or False” activity.
The Narrative Text
A narrative text is a form of writing. The writer uses a narrative form of writing to express emotion, experience, incident, event etc. The narrative form of writing can be essays, biographies, news stories, etc. We also use narrative text to tell our stories. For example, when you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you are using a narrative text.
Some elements of a narrative text are:
1. A narrative text usually has three parts – a beginning, a middle and an end.
2. A narrative text is usually written in the past tense.
3. Narrative texts are written in the first person or third person (e.g., I, me, he, she, etc).
4. A narrative text tells the events chronologically (in the order they happened)
5. A narrative text may have characters and dialogues.
knowing our parents class 7
9.3 True or false activity:
Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False sentences. If false write the correct information.
a) We use narrative texts to tell only our own stories.
Ans. (F). C/A: We use narrative texts to tell our friend or family member and our own stories.
b) In a narrative text, we express our feelings, emotions and experiences.
Ans. (T).
c) Every day we use narrative texts.
Ans. (T).
d) We use different tenses when we tell our past events.
Ans. (F). C/A: We usually use past tenses when we tell our past events.
e) In a narrative text, we tell events chronologically.
Ans. (T).
9.4 Now, read your text on “My Life story” once again and ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Then, check your answers with other pairs/groups:
• What type of writing is it?
Ans. It is a short bio about myself.
• What are the elements of a narrative text you have found in “My Life story”?
Ans. In my text, it have some elements. There are a beginning, a middle and and ending. Some of the sentences are written in past tense. It has dialogue and character.
• Describe them with an example.
Beginning: I’m Meena, a student of class seven.
Middle: Annual sports competition is organized in our school at the end of the year.
Ending: I want to study and become a great doctor. So that I can provide good medical services to the people of the country at low cost.
Past tense: He asked each of us by name and also introduced himself.
Dialogue: ‘You will come to school regularly, and complete your daily studies every day.’
9.5 It’s time to read the life story of the three remarkable women in the world. Another way we can say we will read the story of the three remarkable women’s life written by somebody else. Now, can you write what is a Biography?
Ans. A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed description of a person’s life. It could be about a person who is still alive, someone who lived centuries ago, someone who is globally famous, an unsung hero forgotten by history, or even a unique group of people.
9.8 Marie Curie, Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib, and Jahanara Imam are the three great women who worked selflessly for their country and the world. But, in our lives, we have also great people like them who are working endlessly for us.
Can you guess who they are?
Ans. There’re many great people in our time. Two of them-
1. Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina.
2. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize owner.
9.9 Work in pairs/groups. Discuss your parents’ contribution to your family. Then write a short biography of your father or mother.
To write a good narrative text (biography) you have to keep in mind the following things:
• Talk to them first to know all the information about them and write your texts in a way that everybody can understand clearly.
• Do not describe every incident of their lives.
• Tell the events as they happened (chronologically).
• To make your biography interesting connect the dates and events in their lives. You can use words like after that, before, since then, the next year, then, at the time, suddenly, and afterwards etc.
• Use the third person narrative (for example, my mother, my father, he, she, they) when you describe the story.
• Use simple past tense to describe the events.
আরো দেখো: ৭ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি সকল অধ্যায়ের প্রশ্নের উত্তর
সপ্তম শ্রেণীর শিক্ষার্থীরা, উপরে আমরা তোমাদের ইংরেজি বইয়ের class 7 english chapter 9 question answer শেয়ার করেছি। তোমাদের মূল বইতে যেভাবে প্রশ্ন করা হয়েছে, আমরা ঠিক সেভাবেই উত্তরগুলো তৈরি করেছি। উপরে দেওয়া Answer Sheet অপশনে ক্লিক করে উত্তর সংগ্রহ করে নাও।
ডাউনলোড করতে অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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