তোমরা যারা ২০২৫ সালে এসএসসি দিবে, কোর্সটিকায় তোমাদের স্বাগতম। তোমাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিকে সহজ করতে Completing sentences গুলো আজকে শেয়ার করবো। Completing sentences এর ওপর তৈরি করা এই সাজেশনটি তোমাদের জন্য অত্যন্ত সহায়ক হবে।
এখানে তোমরা, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জ্ঞানমূলক প্রশ্নগুলোর পাশাপাশি উত্তরগুলোও জানতে পারবে। কোর্সটিকায় প্রকাশিত ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের উত্তরসহ সকল সাজেশন গুলো মনোযোগ দিয়ে অনুশীলন করলে তোমাদের পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি হবে আরও সহজ।
Completing sentences SSC 2025
1. Complete the following sentences.
(a) This is Bangladesh ———-.
(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though ———-.
(c) When anyone falls in danger, others ———-.
(d) We love and help one another as ———-.
(e) We work seriously in order that Bangladesh ———-.
2. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Wait here until ———-.
(b) Had I recognized him ———-.
(c) Scarcely had they reached the railway station ———-.
(d) He pretends as though ———-.
(e) ———-, I walked on foot.
3. Complete the following sentences.
(a) While rowing ———-.
(b) ———- I would have recognized you.
(c) The wearer best knows ———-.
(d) It was many years since ———-.
(e) ———- before you come.
4. Complete the following sentences.
(a) ———- if he told me.
(b) The answer that he ———-.
(c) Finishing the work ———-.
(d) I saw my mother ———-.
(e) To walk in the morning ———-.
5. Complete the following sentences.
(a) As flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity, it is ———-.
(b) There is hardly any person ———-.
(c) We can turn our enemies into friends if we ———-.
(d) It is said that those who do not love flowers ———-.
(e) Many people cultivate flowers because ———-.
6. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Yesterday I could not get up from bed in time because ———-.
(b) As soon as I got up from bed I ———-.
(c) Since I could not hire a rickshaw, ———-.
(d) On the way to college I walked fast lest ———-.
(e) If I reached late ———-.
7. Complete the following sentences.
(a) We must work hard in order that ———-.
(b) A man who ———- cannot shine in life.
(c) It is hard labour that ———-.
(d) The idle cannot reach their target because ———-.
(e) ———- unless you work hard.
8. Complete the following sentences.
(a) United we stand, ———-.
(b) It is high time we ———-.
(c) Unless you are united, ———-.
(d) ———- know this wise saying?
(e) The story of the old man and his sons teaches us ———-.
9. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Had I much money ———-.
(b) Walk fast lest ———-.
(c) It is I who ———-.
(d) I was so helpless that ———-.
(e) Since they played well ———-.
10. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Had I the wings of a bird. ———-.
(b) If he had been seen by me, I ———-.
(c) It is high time that we ———-.
(d) No sooner had we reached the school ———-.
(e) The more you read ———-.
11. Complete the following sentences.
(a) He drew more money in case ———-.
(b) I fell asleep when ———-.
(c) A man ———- will prosper in life.
(d) ———- what his intention is.
(e) It takes two ———-.
12. Complete the following sentences.
(a) It is high time ———-.
(b) Faults are thick where ———-.
(c) If my friend had helped me, ———-.
(d) Five years passed since ———-.
(e) Uneasy lies the head ———-.
13. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Truthfulness is a great virtue because ———-.
(b) One cannot command the respect of others unless ———-.
(c) One may succeed once or twice by telling a lie but ———-.
(d) ———- if you are a liar.
(e) So, it is a wise decision ———-.
14. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Tea ———- is grown largely in Indian sub-continent and Formosa.
(b) It is a kind of small plant which ———-.
(c) When tea was first introduced in Bangladesh ———-.
(d) Bangladesh earns a huge amount of foreign exchange by ———-.
(e) Sylhet is the place where ———-.
15. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Hardly had he reached the station ———-.
(b) He speaks as if ———-.
(c) I went to Dhaka with a view to ———-.
(d) He walked carefully lest ———-.
(e) We wish ———- War.
উপরোক্ত প্রশ্নগুলো বিগত বছরের বোর্ড প্রশ্ন যাচাই-বাছাই করে বের করা হয়েছে। উপরে আলোচিত Completing sentences গুলো অনুশীলনের মাধ্যমে তোমরা পরীক্ষায় কমন পাবে বলে আমরা আশাবাদী।
আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে তোমার প্রয়োজনীয় সাবজেক্টের প্রশ্নের উত্তর না পেলে কোর্সটিকা ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করতে পারো। আমরা আছি ইউটিউবেও। আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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