জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের easter wings questions and answers এবং সাজেশন। Subject: 16th and 17th Century Poetry: 231103। শিক্ষার্থীরা, কোর্সটিকার আজকের এ সাজেশনে তোমরা Part-A, Part-B এবং Part-C এর পূর্ণাঙ্গ সাজেশন পাবে। যার মধ্যে Part-A এর সবগুলো Brief Question তোমরা উত্তরসহ সংগ্রহ করতে পারবে।
easter wings questions and answers
1. What is Easter?
Ans: Easter is a festival in the Christian Church Commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is observed on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or just after March 21.
2. What is Easter Sunday?
Ans: The Sunday on which the festival of Christ’s Resurrection is held is called Easter Day or Easter Sunday.
3. What Biblical allusion do you find in the poem, “Easter Wings”?
Ans: The Biblical story of the first sin of Man (Adam) and his consequent fall from the blissful Eden, Garden of heaven, due to Satan’s temptation, has been depicted at the beginning of the poem, “Easter Wings”.
4. What did Man lose foolishly?
Ans: Man lost his spiritual because of this own folly. This refers to the original sin, committed by Adam and Eva by violating God’s command not to eat the fruit of the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge under temptation of Satan.
5. How did Man decay and become most poor?
Ans: After committing sin, Man’s moral nature went on declining till, from the spiritual point of view, he become very poor, almost bankrupt. In other words, Man’s nature went on becoming more and more sinful.
6. How can the sin of man be transformed into redemption?
Ans: If there is no fall, there can be no flight. Man first fell from the grace of God, when he disobeyed Him but he got his redemption through repentance and God’s forgiveness. The poet thinks, if god forgives him for his sins, he would be spiritually rejuvenated.
7. Whose victory does the poet want to sing in what way?
Ans: On Easter Sunday Herbert, the poet clergy wishes to sing the victory of Jesus Christ, soaring above the sky harmoniously like a lark. In fact, the poet wishes to sing about Christ’s Resurrection which signifies his triumph over death thus achieve his spiritual upliftment.
8. How did God purge the poet of his sins?
Ans: In the poet’s opinion, God had punished him with sickness and shame to purge him of his sins.
9. How did the poet become nearer to God?
Ans: The poet could become nearer to God having been cleansed of his sins.
10. How does the poet want to feel on Easter Sunday?
Ans: On the holy Easter Sunday Herbert expresses his strong desire to be one with God or Christ and feel wholeheartedly his (Christ’s) victory over death.
11. What kind of help does Herbert expect from Christ?
Ans: Herbert compares himself to a lark with damaged wings. He, therefore, urges God or Christ to repair his damaged wings so that he may be able to fly with an increased power. The damaged wings imply the poet’s miserable condition brought about by his sinfulness.
12. What is the central theme of the poem, “Easter Wings”?
Ans: the central theme of the poem, “Easter Wings” is the poet’s earnest appeal to God to allow him to be one with Him on the holy Easter- Day and feel the victory of Christ over death. Thus he will achieve his spiritual upliftment.
13. What is the theme of the poem, “Easter Wings”?
Ans: The poet laments the utter moral and spiritual degeneration of human race and seeks dalvation throught Jesus Christ.
14. What was Herbert’s reply to God’s calling him ‘child’?
Ans: Submitting humbly to God, Herbert replied, “My Lord”.
15. What does ‘Ester’ stand for?
Ans: Ester is a festival in the Christian Church Commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীরা, ওপর দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করে easter wings questions and answers উত্তর ডাউনলোড করে নাও। ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য বিষয়ের Brief, Short এবং Broad Questions পাওয়া যাচ্ছে কোর্সটিকায়। ডাউনলোড করতে কোন অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। এছাড়াও আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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