Topic today: english writing skills honours 1st year
english writing skills honours 1st year
Subject Code: 211103
1. What is the controlling idea?
Ans: The controlling idea is the main idea that the writer is developing in a composition.
2. What are transitions?
Ans: Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your papers.
3. What are signposts?
Ans: Signposts are the words and phrases that tell your reader the purpose, structure, main points, direction of the argument and signal your conclusion.
4. What is the difference between transitions and signposts?
Ans: A transition is a phrase which indicates that the writer has completed one main idea and is moving on to a different idea, while signpost is a key phrase or word that calls the reader’s attention to the specific point the writer is covering.
5. What are discourse markers?
Ans: A `discourse marker’ is a word or phrase that helps to link ideas in written language.
6. What is a descriptive paragraph?
Ans: A descriptive paragraph describes a person, or a place or a thing .It includes details that appeal to the five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing.
7. What is an expository paragraph?
Ans: An expository paragraph explains something and informs the reader on a subject.
8. What are the three main types of expository paragraph?
Ans: The three main types of expository paragraphs-
(a) Informative
(b) Cause and effect
(c) Comparison/ contrast
9. What is a persuasive/argumentative paragraph?
Ans: An argumentative or persuasive paragraph is one in which you try to convince the reader of something.
10. What is a cause and effect paragraph?
Ans: It is a method of paragraph development in which a writer analyzes the causes—and/or the consequences of—an action, event, or decision.
11. What is a contrast paragraph?
Ans: It is a method of paragraph development in which a writer discusses the differences between (at least) two persons, places, things, ideas, or situations.
12. What is a comparison and contrast paragraph?
Ans: It is a method of paragraph development in which a writer discusses both the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas.
13. What is a point by point method?
Ans: It is a method of comparing one point of a topic with a point of the other topic right in the same sentence or in the sentence immediately following. It is also called alternating method.
14. What is a process paragraph?
Ans: It is a method of paragraph development in which a writer explains how to do something or describes or explains how something is done.
15. What is a block method?
Ans: It is a method of paragraph development in which a writer presents all facts and supporting details about one topic and it is followed by the facts and supporting details of the other topic.
16. What are the two types of process paragraph?
Ans: Two types of process paragraph are:
(a) How to: This gives the reader directions on how he or she can do something.
(b) Explanation: This tells the reader how a particular event occurred or how something works.
17. What is coherence in a paragraph?
Ans: Coherence is the logical connection of ideas in a text. Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a paragraph. It is an arrangement of ideas in such a way that the reader can easily follow from one point to another.
18. What is the difference between coherence and cohesion?
Ans: Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level. Basically, coherence refers to the ‘rhetorical’ aspects of writing, which include developing, and supporting your argument (e.g. thesis statement development), synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and clarifying ideas. The cohesion of writing focuses on the “grammatical’’ aspects of writing.
19. What is writing?
Ans: Writing is the activity of composing a text.
20. What is writing style?
Ans: Writing style is how the writer chooses to express himself or herself through writing.
21. What is revision?
Ans: Revision is a process of changing a piece of writing to improve its style or content.
22. What is proofreading?
Ans: It is a process of close reading of your work, when you look for mistakes and try to fix them.
23. What is brainstorming?
Ans: Brainstorming is the process that takes place before your essay writing, when you choose a topic, statements to talk about, points, etc.
24. What is an essay?
Ans: An essay is a short composition on a particular theme or subject.
25. What are the three basic parts of an essay?
Ans: The three basic parts of an essay are introduction, body and conclusion.
26. What is a thesis statement?
Ans: The main idea of the essay is stated in a single sentence called the thesis statement. The thesis statement states the aim of the paper and may give insight into the author’s examples and evidence.
27. What is the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?
Ans: A thesis writing trick in the first paragraph of your writing, work, or essay; while a topic sentence guides a paragraph.
28. What is essay hook?
Ans: It is a writing trick in the first paragraph of your writing used to grab your readers’ attention in order to keep them reading.
29. What is the “bulk” of the essay called?
Ans: The bulk of an essay is the greater part of the essay. It is contained in the main body.
30. What is the bing, the bang and the bongo?
Ans: The bing, the bang and the bongo is a method for organizing your thoughts when you write an essay.
31. What is a lead sentence?
Ans: The lead sentence is the sentence that leads the rest of the paragraph. It attracts the reader’ attention and makes them continue reading the rest.
32. What’s the difference between the topic sentence and the lead sentence?
Ans: The lead sentence is present to capture the reader’s attention, whereas the topic sentence gets straight to the point of what the essay is about.
33. What is a summary paragraph?
Ans: The summary paragraph comes at the end of your essay after you have finished developing your ideas. The summary paragraph is often called a “conclusion.”
34. What is the difference between essay and report?
Ans: A report is formally structured but an essay is semi-structured. A report is informative and fact-based while an essay is argumentative and idea-based. In essay minimal or no use of headings and sub-headings but reports often use number of headings and sub-headings.
35. What is the difference between an essay and a paragraph?
Ans: Paragraphs and essays differ in their length, Paragraphs are typically between five and six sentences long. They’re composed of a topic sentence and four or five supporting details. Essays contain at least five paragraphs; they’re composed of an introductory paragraph (which includes the thesis statement), at least three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.
36. What is a descriptive essay?
Ans: A descriptive essay simply describes something or someone by appealing to the reader’s senses: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
37. What is the difference between narrative and expository essay?
Ans: Narrative essay tells a story while expository essay inform and explain something. While narrative essay allows the author to be creative and tell a story in a way he or she likes, expository essays follow some strict rules that one must abide.
38. What is the difference between descriptive and expository essay?
Ans: A descriptive essay is one kind of expository essay.
39. What is a persuasive essay?
Ans: A persuasive essay is an essay in which a writer tries to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action.
40. What is an argumentative essay?
Ans: Argumentative essay is a type of essays that serves to persuade a reader that some particular point of view is correct, and the others are wrong.
41. What is the difference between a persuasive essay and an argumentative essay?
Ans: An argumentative essay relies more heavily on evidence, while a persuasive essay can argue from opinion or emotion. An argumentative essay will usually end with a recap of all relevant facts and an assertion that the writer’s interpretation is the correct one. The persuasive writer will more “join the cause” presented in the paper.
42. What is a narrative essay?
Ans: A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story from the writer’s perspective.
43. What is a formal essay?
Ans: It is an essay using an academic structure, type and style, and absent of creative diversions or poetic license.
44. What is an informal essay?
Ans: An informal essay is a type of essay written in relaxed manner, mainly to amuse both readers and the author.
45. What is the difference between formal and informal essay?
Ans: Informal essay tends to be personal and subjective, while formal essay appears to be objective.
46. What is an admission essay?
Ans: An admission or application essay, sometimes also called a personal statement, is an essay written by an applicant, usually with the aim of applying to some college, university, or graduate school.
এই লিংকে ক্লিক করে অনার্স ইংরেজি ১ম বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীরা english writing skills honours 1st year ডাউনলোড করো। ইংরেজি ২য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য বিষয়ের Brief, Short এবং Broad Questions পাওয়া যাচ্ছে কোর্সটিকায়। ডাউনলোড করতে কোন অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো।
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