NU English department: introduction to drama 2nd year pdf
introduction to drama 2nd year pdf
Brief Questions and Answers
1. In whose honour the Athenian festival of tragedy was held?
Ans: The Athenian festival of tragedy was held in honour of Dionysus.
2. Who were the three tragedians of ancient Greece?
Ans: Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides were the three tragedians of ancient Greece.
3. Who is the tragic hero of Oedipus the King?
Ans: Oedipus, the king of Thebes, is the tragic hero of Oedipus the King.
4. Where is the setting of the play Oedipus the King?
Ans: Thebes is the setting of the play Oedipus the King.
5. What is the Greek title for the play Oedipus the King?
Ans: Oedipus Tyrannos is the Greek title for the play Oedipus the King.
6. What is the Latin title for the play Oedipus the King?
Ans: Oedipus Rex is the Latin title for the play Oedipus the King.
7. What is the prologue?
Ans: A prologue is the initial section of a play, which provides essential background for understanding the action of the play.
8. What is parode?
Ans: Parode is the first entrance of chorus on the stage. It provides further expositional background through singing.
9. What is exode?
Ans: Exode is the final section of play usually comes after the last stasimon.
10. What is a chorus in Greek plays?
Ans: In Greek plays a chorus is an integral part of a play and consists of a group of people who comment on the event through singing and dancing.
11. Who is Duke Senior?
Ans: Duke Senior is the elder brother of Duke Frederick and father of Rosalind, the heroine of As You Like It. He is living in banishment as his brother usurped his throne.
12. Who is Rosalind?
Ans: Rosalind is the heroine is As You Like It and the daughter of Duke Senior. She lives with her cousin Celia and Duke Frederick at the beginning of the play. After Duke. Frederick banishes her, she disguises herself as a young man named Ganymade and flees to the Forest of Arden. She is in love with Orlando and marries him at the end of the play.
13. Who is Amiens?
Ans: Amiens is a lord attending on Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden. He sings some of the most beautiful songs that Shakespeare ever wrote.
14. Who is Jaques?
Ans: Jaqes is a lord attending on Duke Senior in the Forest of Arden. He is a melancholy person who sits in the Forest of Arden brooding over life. When he meets Touchstone the fool he wishes that he could also be a fool and say witty things.
15. Who is Duke Frederick?
Ans: Duke Frederick is the younger brother of Duke Senior. He usurped the position of his elder brother and banished him. At the end of the play, he is converted by a religious hermit, and, then, he chooses to lead a monastic life in the Forest of Arden.
16. Who is Celia?
Ans: Celia is the daughter of Duke Frederick and cousin of Rosalind. She leaves her home to join Rosalind in the Forest of Arden and later falls in love with Orlando’s brother Oliver, whom she marries at the end.
17. Who is Le Beau?
Ans: Le Beau is a courtier attending on Duke Frederick. He represents the man-about-town. He speaks well but knows little. His speech, his dress, and his mannerisms are satirized in As You Like It.
18. When was Shaw awarded Nobel Prize? What did he do with the prize money?
Ans: He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925, but he gave away the prize money to start the Anglo-Swedish Literary Foundation.
19. What is ‘the New Drama’?
Ans: ‘The New Drama’ is a type of drama which started at the end of the 19th century and which deals with realistic social issues instead of idealism of the traditional drama.
20. What is ‘New Theatre’?
Ans: It is a theatrical organization which was established in London in 1891 in order to popularize the intellectual dramas of Ibsen and Shaw.
21. What is the background of Arms and the Man?
Ans: The play is based on the play historical war between Bulgaria and Serbia fought in 1885.
22. From where is the title of Arms and the Man taken?
Ans: The title of the play Arms and the Man is taken from Dryden’s translation of Virgil’s epic The Aeneid, beginning with “Arms and the man I sing”
23. What is the importance of the year 1885 in Arms and the Man?
Ans: The year 1885 in importance because the war between Serbia and Bulgaria took place in the year. The war started on November 14 and ended with the defeat of defeat of Serbia on November 19 at Slivnitza.
24. What is Slivnitza?
Ans: Slivnitza is a Bulgarian town, about twenty miles north-west of Sophia, the capital of Bulgarian
25. What kind of play is Riders to the Sea?
Ans: It is a one-act tragedy.
26. What is ‘oilskin’?
Ans: ‘Oilskin’ or oilcloth is a sheet dipped in oil and dried to be used as water-proof cover.
27. What does the spinning-wheel indicate?
Ans: It indicate that the women-folk the Aran Islands used to supplement the family’s income by spinning thread at home.
28. What is ‘kneading’?
Ans: Kneading is the process of mixing flour with resins, eggs, milk etc. as mixture for making a cake.
29. What is Donegal?
Ans: Donegal is a country of north Ireland where the body of Michael is recovered.
30. Who is Michael?
Ans: Michael is the fifth son of Maurya. He was drowned in the sea and his dead body was recovered in Donegal.
31. What is the Galway fair known for?
Ans: The Galway fair known for the trading of cattle or horses and other commodities of the people from around.
32. Why doesn’t Maurya want Bartley to sail to the mainland/ Connemara?
Ans: Maurya does not want Bartley to sail to the mainland/ Connemara because she fears that the boat-journey to Connemara shall be very dangerous as the storm blowing hard from the south and west will make the sea turbulent.
33. What is a hooker? Why is the hooker tacking?
Ans: A hooker is a kind of small Irish sailing boat. ‘Tacking’ means moving in a zigzag manner in order to adjust its sail so as to come towards the island.
34. Why doesn’t Bartley want to miss the boat to Connemara?
Ans: Bartley does not want to miss the boat to Connemara because no boat will be available for two weeks or more for the trip to the fair where horses will be sold at high prices.
35. What will Bartley sell at Connemara?
Ans: Bartley will sell at Connemara two horses-his red mare and Michael’s grey pony.
36. Who is Wole Soyinka?
Ans: Wole Soyinks is a Nigerian playwright and poet.
37. What is the full name of Wole Soyinka?
Ans: Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka.
38. When and where was Wole Soyinka born?
Ans: Wole Soyinka was born in the city of Abeokuta, Nigeria.
39. When was Wole Soyinka awarded Nobel Prize for Literature?
Ans: He was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1986.
40. When did Wole Soyinka win International Humanist Award?
Ans: He won International Humanist Award in 2014
41. Who is the titular lion in The Lion and the Jewel?
Ans: The tilular lion is Baroka.
42. Who is Baroka?
Ans: Baroka is the chief of the village of Ilujinle. He wants to keep things like the old ways. He is the Lion in the play The Lion and the Jewel.
43. Who is Lakunle?
Ans: Lakunle is the local schoolteacher who wants to marry Sidi, and westernize everyone.
44. Who is Sidi?
Ans: Sidi is a egotistical beautiful village girl who is famous for her beauty. She is the Jewel in the play The Lion and the Jewel.
45. Who is Sadiku?
Ans: Sadiku is Baroka’s first wife who is extra sneaky.
46. What genre is The Lion and the Jewel?
Ans: Post Modernism/ Contemporary.
47. What kind of plot does The Lion and the Jewel have?
Ans: The play has a chronological causal plot.
48. Into how many parts is the play The Lion and the Jewel divided?
Ans: The play is divided into three parts: Morning Noon and night.
49. What is Ilujinle?
Ans: Ilujinle is an African village.
50. What does the name ‘Ilujinle’ mean?
Ans: ‘Ilujinle’ means ‘deep or distance village’. It suggests a remote community.
Short Questions
1. What is a prologue and its dramatic purpose in King Oedipus?
2. What is Chorus? What functions did it play in Greek tragedies?
3. Describe the role of Chorus in King Oedipus.
4. Why did Oedipus call Tiresias to his royal palace?
5. In what situation did Oedipus kill his father?
6. What is the Forest of Auden?
7. Comment on the significance of the Forest of Auden.
8. How does Rosalind want to cure Orlando of his love?
9. Describe the Silvius-Phebe-Rosalind sub-plot.
10. Give a short character sketch of Jaques.
11. Why is Shaw’s Arms and the Man called a drama of ideas?
12. What farcical elements do you find in Arms and the Man?
13. What is a comedy.
14. Why is Arms and the Man called an anti-romantic comedy?
15. Is Arms and the Man a problem play?
16. What is a one-act play?
17. What characteristics of one-act play do you find in Riders to the Sea?
18. How is ‘Riders to the Sea’ a universal drama?
19. Is Maurya a tragic character/ write a short note of Maurya.
20. How do Nora and Cathleen serve the purpose of the chorus?
21. How does Lakunle try to convince Sidi tp marry him without bride-price?
22. Describe in brief ‘the dance of the lost traveller’.
23. What picture of African polygamous society do you find in The Lion and the Jewel?
24. What do you know about the life of the head wife?
25. What is the role of head wife?
26. How does Sadiku try to convince Sidi to marry Baroka?
Broad Questions
1. What picture of African society do you get in The Lions and the Jewel?
2. Do you think Soyinka disparages women in “The Lion and the Jewel”? Discuss with special reference to his portrayal of Sidi and Sadiku.
3. Discuss the importance of the role of Fate/ destiny/ Nature.
4. Evaluate Maurya as a tragic character.
5. What picture of the life of islanders do you get in Rider to the Sea?
6. Consider Arms and the Man as an anti-romantic comedy/ theme of love and war.
7. How is the theme of war handled in ‘Arms and the Man’?
8. Do you think ‘chocolate-cream soldier’ is an appropriate epithet for Bluntschli? Give reasons for your answer.
9. Comment on the use and significance of the songs in the play As You Like It.
10. Consider As You Like It as a romantic comedy.
11. Write a note on the importance of the Forest of Arden.
12. Comment on Sophecles’s use of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex.
13. Fate and character conspire to bring about tragedy in King Oedipus.
14. Give an account of the encounter between Oedipus and Tiresias, and comment on its significance.
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