Topic today: 16th and 17th century poetry suggestion
16th and 17th century poetry suggestion
Brief Questions and Answers
1. How was Spenser influenced by the protestant religion?
Ans: While studying at Cambridge, Spenser came under the influence of the strong protestant spirit which then pervaded the university.
2. What kind of poem is The Faerie Queen?
Ans: The Faerie Queen is an allegorical poem.
3. What stanza form and rhyme scheme did Spenser invent for the Composition of the Faerie Queen?
Ans: The stanza form, invent by Spenser for the Composition of The Faerie Queen is known as ‘Spenserian Stanza’. It consists of nine lines in iambic metres rhyming as ababbcbcc. The first eight lines are in pentameters and the final line is an hexameter called Alexandrine.
4. Why is The Faerie Queen called a romantic epic?
Ans: The Faerie Queen exhibits the heroic deeds of war, love and adventures centering round the historical figure of Prince Arthur As it combines both romantic and epic qualities, it is called a romantic epic or epic of chivalry and romance.
5. What religious allegory do you to trace in The Faerie Queen?
Ans: The religious allegory in The Faerie Queen deals with the important religious event of the contemporary age. Here the Red Cross Knight stands for the reformat Church of England, fighting the corruption, pride, and manifold evils of Papacy, paganism and Catholicism as represented by the foul Dragon for the monster Error.
6. Whom does the poet invoke in The Faerie Queen?
Ans: Spencer at the beginning of The Faerie Queen prays to Clio, the Muse Of history for her help in writing his poem. He also appeals to Cupid, Venus and Mars for their patronage in writing the romantic epic.
7. Who is the noble Briton Prince?
Ans: Prince Arthur was the noble Briton prince whom the world had been looking for so long. He was represented by the Earl of Leicester who was in love with Queen Elizabeth I and wanted to marry her.
8. Who is the “great lady of the greatest Isle’’?
Ans: Queen Elizabeth is called by the poet the “great lady of the greatest Isle’’.
9. Who is the Red Cross Knight?
Ans: The Red Cross Knight is the hero of Book on of The Faerie Queen He symbolizes St. George, the patron saint of England. Allegorically he is Holiness or the Reformat Church of England.
10. What was the most desired of the Red Cross Knight?
Ans: The most desired reward of the Red Cross Knight was to win the favour of Gloriana, the Fairy Queen.
11. What task did the lady assign of the Red Cross Knight?
Ans: The lady come of a royal Parentage that ruled a vast Kingdom from the eastern shore to the western shore. But her parents were enslaved and the whole empire was ravaged by the infernal Dragon. So the knight was entrusted with the task of evenging this foul dragon and free her parents.
12. What kind of shelter did the Red Cross Knight and Lady Una found during the rain and storm?
Ans: The Red Cross Knight and lady Discovered shady grove nearby that could protect them from the tempest. Its lofty trees were so laden with leaves that the sunbeam or the light from the stars could not pierce within.
13. How were the Red Cross Knight and Lady Una enchanted by the grove?
Ans: The grove enchanted the weary travellers, the Red Cross Knight and Lady Una by its beauty. They kept moving forward when the birds’ song made them forget the tempest outside. They moved on praising the lofty trees like the pine, the Cedar, the Elms the Oaks, the Ash and so on.
14. How did the Lady warn the Knight at the entrance of the cave?
Ans: Lady Una advised the Red Cross Knight to be well aware and to strike with his sword after being sure of the danger, as dangers may come without show at unknown and wild places.
15. Who is ‘Error’?
Ans: The Monster Error is one of the evil forces against whom the Red Cross Knight has to fight. Error is represented as a horrible creature, with the face of a woman and the hind part a serpent.
15. What does the monster Error symbolise?
Ans: The monster Error stands for error
istakes committed by human beings In the course of their lives. Allegorically, stands for the Roman Catholicism for the pope of Rume.
Short Questions
1. What is allegory? Discuss in brief the moral and spiritual allegory in canto I of The Faerie Queene Book- I.
2. What religious allegory do you find in Canto I of The Faerie Queene Book- I?
3. In what sense is Spenser a pictorial artist?
4. Write a short note on Spenserian stanza.
5. Give your impression of the Red Cross Knight.
6. Who is monster Error? Describe the fight between the monster Error and the Red Cross Knight.
7. What is the allegorical significance of the fight between the monster Error and the Red Cross Knight?
8. Who is Archimago? Describe the encounter between the Cross Knight and Archimago.
9. What is the allegorical significance of the encounter between the Red Cross Knight Archimago?
10. Who is Morpheus? Describe his house in the underworld.
11. What is the significance of vomiting by the monster Error?
12. Show how the Red cross Knight had his victory over the monster Error.
13. Describe how Archimago fails in his intrigue against the Red cross Knight and Lady Una.
14. How does Lady Una intrigue the Red cross Knight?
15. How were the Red- cross Knight and Una entrapped by Archimago?
16. Why is ‘The Faerie Queen’ called a romantic epic?
John Donne
1. Write a short note on the salient features of metaphysical poetry.
2. Trsce metaphysical qualities in the poetry of John Donne.
3. What do you mean by Petrarchan tradition of love of woman worship?
4. In what sens does Donne differ from Petrarchan tradition in his love-poetry?
5. What does Donne say about the nature of true in ‘The sun Rising’?
6. Why is the love between the poet and his beloved compared to the Phoenix Riddle?
7. How can the poet and his beloved be canonized by love?
8. What kind of love do you find in the poem, ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’?
9. Explain the conceit of twin- compasses.
10. How does Donne discard/ refute the pride of death as a mighty and dreadful power?
11. What kind of relationship does Donne want to establish with God in the sonnet, “Batter Me heart, Three- Personed God”?
12. Write a short not on Donne’s use of conceits in his love poems.
13. Write a short not on ‘Unified sensibility’ in metaphysical poetry.
14. Why and how does the poet rebuke the sun in the poem “The Sun Rising”?
15. What is the poet’s idea about the immortality of the soul in “Death Be Not Prud”?
Andrew Marvell
1. What do you mean by ‘Carpe Diem’ theme?
2. What is the role of ‘Time’ in human life?
3. In what ways does the poem “To His Coy Mistress” look like a syllogism?
4. How does Marvell combine passion and intellect/ emotion and reason in “The Definition of Love”?
5. Trace Petrarchan/Elizabethan elements in Marvell’s poem, “TO His Coy Mistress”.
6. How does Andrew Marvell propose to his beloved to enjoy life in To His Coy Mistress?
7. How does Marvell define love in his poem ‘The Definition of Love’?/ Differentiate between true love and false love in “The Definition of Love”.
8. What is the nature of love between the poet and his beloved in “The Definition of Love”.
9. What is the role of time and Fate in human life as you find in Marvell’s poems?
George Herbert
1. What do you know of ‘Anglicanism’?
2. How was George Herbert associated with Anglicanism/ the Church of England?
3. Write a short note on Herbert’s use of metaphysical conceits.
4. What is the significance of larks flying upwards in the poem, “Easter Wings”?
5. How does the poet want to celebrate Christ’s victory over death?
6. What spiritual conflict does Herbert reveal in the poem Collar?
7. How does Herbert deplore the loss of worldly life in “The Collar”?
8. What arguments does Herbert place to recover his loss of worldly pleasures in “The Collar”?
9. Why does Herbert wish to fly in the poem “Easter Wings”?
John Milton
1. Briefly describe the cosmology of Paradise Lost.
2. How does Milton invoke to the Heavenly Muse at the beginning of his epic?
3. Discuss the characteristics of Milton’s blank-verse.
4. How does Satan welcome his dwelling in hell?
5. How did Satan try to revive/rouse Beelzebub from his stupefied condition in Hell?
6. How does Satan plan to thwart God’s noble purposes?
Or, What evil design do you find in Satan’s character?
7. How does Satan call his legion to action?
8. How do the fallen angels respond to the call of Satan?
9. Describe how Moloch became a cruel pagan god.
10. What are the characteristic features of Belial?
11. Who was Mulciber? What role did he play among the fallen angels?
12. Describe the building of the Pandemonium the capital of Hell.
13. Write a short note on Milton’s use of epic similes in Paradise Lost.
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীরা, ওপর দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করে 16th and 17th century poetry suggestion উত্তর ডাউনলোড করে নাও। ইংরেজি ২য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য বিষয়ের Brief, Short এবং Broad Questions পাওয়া যাচ্ছে কোর্সটিকায়। ডাউনলোড করতে কোন অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। এছাড়াও আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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