জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ৩য় বর্ষের victorian poetry honours 3rd year suggestion এবং প্রশ্ন উত্তর। Subject: Victorian Poetry, Subject Code: 231111। শিক্ষার্থীরা, কোর্সটিকার আজকের এ সাজেশনে তোমরা Part-A, Part-B এবং Part-C এর পূর্ণাঙ্গ সাজেশন পাবে। যার মধ্যে Part-A এর সবগুলো Brief Question তোমরা উত্তরসহ সংগ্রহ করতে পারবে।
victorian poetry honours 3rd year suggestion
Part-A: Brief Questions with Answers
Alfred Tennyson
1. When was Tennyson named as the poet laureate?
Ans. After the death of William Wordsworth in 1850, Tennyson was named as the poet laureate.
2. How was the religious faith of the Victorians?
Ans. Victorian age was an interesting time when old religious beliefs started getting questioned due to progress made in science and technology.
3. What is Victorian compromise?
Ans. The compromise between religion and science, reason and faith, democracy and aristocracy, and conjugal felicity and married life in Victorian era is considered as Victorian Compromise.
4. What is Tennyson’s opinions about knowledge and wisdom?
Ans. According to Tennyson, a person can acquire knowledge more rapidly than wisdom.
Locksley Hall
1. What does the poem “Locksley Hall” represent?
Ans. According to Tennyson, the poem represents “young life, its good side, its deficiencies, and its yearnings.”
2. What inspired Tennyson to write “Locksley Hall”?
Ans. Tennyson’s son Hallam recalled that his father said the poem was inspired by Sir William Jones’s prose translation of the Arabic Mu’allaqat.
3. What type of poem is “Locksley Hall”?
Ans. Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Locksley Hall” is a dramatic monologue centring on unrequited love.
4. What is the setting of the poem “Locksley Hall”?
Ans. The poem is set in England at a building (Locksley Hall) overlooking the sea.
The Lotos Eaters
1. What type of work is “The Lotos Eaters”?
Ans. “The Lotos Eaters” is a lyric poem. However, the first forty-five lines contain narration as well as lyricism.
2. What is the setting of the poem “The Lotos Eaters”?
Ans. The setting is an unidentified land with a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere. In Homer’s Odyssey, this land was probably along the coast of North Africa.
3. What is the source of the poem “The Lotos Eaters”?
Ans. The poem is based on the story in The Odyssey of Homer.
4. What happened to the men who ate the lotos at the land of the ‘Lotos Eaters’?
Ans. The lotos was a type of drug and it made them feel very happy and they didn’t want to leave the land of the lotos eaters because thy were trapped.
1. Who was Oenone?
Ans. Oenoe, in Greek Myth, was a mountain nymph and the first wife of Paris, the prince of Troy, on Mount Ida of Phrygia. Paris, son of the king Priam and the queen Hecuba, fell in love with Oenone when he was a shepherd on the slopes of Mount Ida.
2. What is Ida?
Ans. Ida refers to mountains on the west coast of Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea.
3. What is Gargarus?
Ans. Gargarus is the highest peak in the Ida Mountains.
4. Who did Oenone love? Or, who was Oenone’s playmate?
Ans. Paris, son of the king Priam, was loved by Oenone and was her playmate.
1. Who is Tithonus?
Ans. Tithonus is the lover of Eos or Aurora, the goddess of dawn. A mortal man endowed with the gift of immortality withers as he is without the gift of immortal youth.
2. What type or kind of poem “Tithonus’ is?
What form of poem has Tennyson used in ‘Tithonus’?
Ans. The poem ‘Tithonus’ is a dramatic monologue in seven paragraph-like sections of varying length. Here a single speaker speaks and reveals his identity.
3. Who is the speaker in the poem ‘Tithonus’?
Ans. The speaker of the poem ‘Tithonus’ is Tithonus who speaks to his beloved Eos or Aurora, the goddess of dawn.
4. Who is the probable audience or listener of Tithonus?
Ans. The poem is spoken by Tithonus to a silent listener who is revealed as the goddess of dawn, Eos or Aurora.
Robert Browning
Andrea del Sarto
1. What is the type of the poem “Andrea del Sarto”?
Ans. “Andrea del Sarto” is a dramatic monologue.
2. Who was Andrea del Sarto?
Ans. Andrea del Sarto was a great painter of the Florentine School.
3. What inspired Browning to write the poem “Andrea del Sarto”?
Ans. Browning was inspired to write the poem by a picture of Andrea and his wife, Lucrezia, hung in the art-gallery of Pitti Palace, Florence.
4. Who is the speaker of the poem “Andrea del Sarto”?
Ans. The speaker of the poem “Andrea del Sarto” is Andrea, not Robert Browning. Andrea, conversing with his silent wife, Lucrezia, reflects on his life and art, thereby dramatically revealing his moral and aesthetic failure.
Fra Lippo Lippi
1. What inspired Browning to write the poem “Fra Lippo Lippi”?
Ans. Browning was perhaps inspired to write the poem on seeing one of Lippo’s paintings called the Coronation of the Virgin at the Academia delle Belle Arti in Florence. He got the outline of Lippo’s life and many hints for this poem from Vasari’s Lives of the Artists, a compendium of Renaissance painters.
2. What does ‘Fra’ mean?
Ans. ‘Fra’ means friar or a monk.
3. Who was Fra Lippo Lippi?
Ans. Fra Lippo Lippi was a Florentine painter who broke away from the moral and religious tradition in painting and ushered in a more realistic artistic manner.
4. Who is the speaker of the poem “Fra Lippo Lippi”?
Ans. Fra Lippo Lippi is the speaker of the poem.
The Last Ride Together
1. What type of a poem is “The Last Ride Together”?
Ans. It is a dramatic monologue.
2. What does the title of the poem “The Last Ride Together” suggest?
Ans. The title of the poem suggests the last ride that the lover has spent with his love.
3. How does the poem “The Last Ride Together” begin?
Ans. “The Last Ride Together” begins with a lover getting finally rejected by his lady-love after he waited for her for a long time.
4. Why is the lover grateful to his lady-love?
Ans. He is grateful towards her for the beautiful and blissful moments they had together.
Part B : Short Questions
Locksley Hall
1. Why did the speaker of the poem ‘Locksley Hall’ fail to marry his beloved?
2. What is the glass of Time?
3. How does Tennyson satirize the Victorian age in “Locksley Hall”?
4. What is Tennyson’s opinion’s about knowledge and wisdom?
5. What optimistic belief of Tennyson do you find in the poem “Locksley Hall”?
The Lotos Eaters
1. Why does it seem always afternoon in the land of the Lotos Eaters?
2. How does the poet portray the changing moods of the sailors in “The Lotos Eaters”?
3. What is the effect of the Lotos on the sailors?
4. How do the mariners contrast their toilsome life with the processes of Nature?
5. Describe the land of the Lotos Eaters.
1. Why is Oenone in a sad mood?
2. Write a note on dramatic monologue.
3. Can “Oenone” be termed as dramatic monologue?
4. What is the moral message of the poem “Oenone”?
5. Why did Paris accept the offer of Aphrodite? Is it justified from your point of view?
1. How does “Tithonus” fall into the genre of dramatic monologue?
2. Comment on Tennyson’s use of natural imagery in “Tithonus”.
3. Write a note on the character of Tithonus.
4. “The legend of Lithonus serves moral purposes not only for his own people but also for the whole mankind”-Discuss.
Robert Browning
Andrea del Sarto
1. Describe the character of Lucrezia?
2. Describe the beauty of Lucrezia.
3. Describe Andrea as a faultless painter.
4. Why does Andrea consider himself a failure as an artist?
5. How does Browning deal with art and artist’s life in “Andrea del Sarto”?
Fra Lippo Lippi
1. Describe the central theme of ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’?
2. What kind of paintings had Fra Lippo’s monastic superiors wished him to paint?
3. Describe Browning’s use of irony in “Fra Lippo Lippi”.
4. Describe Browning’s attacks on idealized art in “Fra Lippo Lippi”.
5. Write what you know about Fra Lippo Lippi’s early life.
The Last Ride Together
1. How does the lover rationalize his rejection by his ladylove?
2. Why does the lover claims that his achievement is greater than that of a poet?
3. Why does the lover consider himself superior to the sculptor?
4. Comment on the ending of the poem “The Last Ride Together”.
5. Comment on the title of the poem, “The Last Ride Together”.
My Last Duchess
1. Trace the elements of aristocratic life in “My Last Duchess”.
2. What Victorian quality do you find in “My Last Duchess”.
3. Describe women’s role and identity in Browning’s “My Last Duchess”.
4. Point out the Victorian male dominion over the Victorian women as you find in “My Last Duchess”.
5. Describe Browning’s attitude to art and artists as expressed in “My Last Duchess”.
Matthew Arnold
1. Describe the importance of the elm-tree in the lives of Arnold and his friend.
2. What is Arnold’s view about Truth?
3. Comment on the ending of the poem “Thyrsis”.
4. How does Arnold present the contrast between the man-made things and the objects of nature in ‘Thyrsis’?
Dover Beach
1. What sensory images do you find in “Dover Beach”?
2. Write a short note on ‘Sophocles’.
3. Why does Arnold refer to Sophocles?
4. Describe the image of the sea in “Dover Beach”.
5. What is the poem ‘Dover Beach’ about?
The Scholar Gipsy
1. What is pastoral elegy?
2. Discuss The Scholar Gipsy as a pastoral elegy.
3. Write a short note on “Modern People” in Arnold’s “The Scholar Gipsy”.
4. Describe Arnold’s theory of poetry as criticism of life.
5. Discuss Arnold’s criticism of life in “The Scholar Gipsy”.
Part C : Broad Questions
Alfred Tennyson
1. Write on the pictorial quality of Tennyson’s poetry.
2. How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in the poems you have read?
3. Write how Tennyson highlights the Victorian spirit in his poems. / Tennyson as a representative poet of his age.
4. ‘Tennyson is at his best in his lyrical and descriptive poems’. -Explain with illustrations.
Robert Browning
1. Justify Robert Browning as an optimistic poet.
2. Evaluate Robert Browning as a writer of dramatic monologues.
3. “The poetry of Robert Browning reveals a deep knowledge of the psychology of men and women”. -Discuss.
Matthew Arnold
1. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “Dover Beach”.
2. Give an account of the pastoral elements in Arnold’s poetry that you have read.
3. Comment on the elegiac elements as found in Arnold’s poems. / Discuss Arnold’s poetry as criticism of life with reference to the poems you have read.
4. Discuss The Scholar Gipsy’ as a pastoral elegy.
G. M. Hopkins
1. Describe Hopkins as a religious poet / Trace the devotional elements in Hopkin’s poetry.
2. Critically analyse “Felix Randal” as a sonnet.
3. Consider ‘Pied Beauty’ as a religious poem.
4. Write about the imagery that you find in the poem ‘Felix Randal’.
জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অনার্স ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীরা, ওপর দেওয়া ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করে victorian poetry honours 3rd year suggestion উত্তর ডাউনলোড করে নাও। ইংরেজি ৩য় বর্ষের অন্যান্য বিষয়ের Brief, Short এবং Broad Questions পাওয়া যাচ্ছে কোর্সটিকায়। ডাউনলোড করতে কোন অসুবিধা হলে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে ইনবক্স করো। এছাড়াও আমাদের YouTube চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করতে পারো এই লিংক থেকে।
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