আজকের বিষয়: volpone questions and answers pdf
volpone questions and answers pdf
Brief Questions
1. Who is Volpone?
Ans. Volpone is “a Magnifico,” or nobleman of Venice. He is a con artist who feigns illness to attract legacy hunters. He embodies greed and obsesses over gold. His love of watching others greed and flattery tends towards voyeurism.
2. Why does Volpone feign illness?
Ans. Volpone feigns illness to attract legacy hunters.
3. Who is Mosca?
Ans. Mosca is the parasite of Volpone. He is bothersome, obsequious, and conniving. Though he is lower than Volpone in birth, Mosca is effectively the master of the scam.
4. Who is Voltore?
Ans. Voltore is ‘an Advocate’, or lawyer. He is one of the legacy hunters.
5. Who is Corbaccio?
Ans. Corbaccio is ‘an old Gentleman’. He is one of the legacy hunters.
6. Who is Corvino?
Ans. Corvino is ‘a Merchant’. He is one of the legacy hunters.
7. Who are Avocatori?
Ans. Avocarori are the ‘four Magistrates’, or the judges from the Scrutineo.
8. Who is the Notario?
Ans. The Notario is ‘the Register, or officer of the Scrutineo. The Notario acts something like a bailifi would in a modern court of law. He summons witnesses, Swears them in, and, in general, and runs errands for the Avocatori.
9. Who is Sir Politic Would-be?
Ans. Sir Politic Would-be is “a Knight.” He is a traveller from England who prides himself on knowing the ways of a gentleman. He is a know-it-all who in fact knows not very much at all.
10. Who is Peregrine?
Ans. Peregrine is a Gentleman-traveller. Like Sir Politic, Peregrine is a visitor from England who thus serves to connect the storyline to Jonson’s home country.
11. Who is Bonario?
Ans. Bonario is a young Gentleman, son of Corbaccio. Bonario is upstanding, noble, and unfortunately gullible.
12. Who is Lady Would-be?
Ans. Lady Would-be is ‘the Knight’s wife’. She is the garrulous, vain, and jealous companion of Sir Politic.
13. Who is Celia?
Ans. Celia is the wife of the Merchant, Corvino.
14. Who are the Commendatori?
Ans. The Commendatori are the ‘Officers’. They are the court officers who detain Corbaccio, Corvino, Voltore, Mosca, and Volpone once their punishments have been handed down.
15. Who are the Mercatori?
Ans. The Mercatori are the “three Merchants.” They are Peregrine’s accomplices in the practical joke he plays on Sir Politic.
16. Who are the good characters in Volpone?
Ans. Bonario and Celia are the only two good characters in Volpone.
17. What is an acrostic?
Ans. An acrostic is a poem in which particular letters in each line, usually the first letters, can be read downwards to form a word or words.
18. Which does Volpone regard as his saint?
Ans. The place where Volpone keeps his gold is a shrine to him and the gold to him is the saint.
19. Why doesn’t Volpone want to compare gold to Venus?
Ans. Volpone does not want to compare gold to Venus. Venus has only one child, Cupid. To Volpone, gold should be compared to a goddess who has twenty thousand children like Cupids.
20. What does Mosca’s name mean?
Ans. Mosca’s name means the fly.
21. How did Volpone earn his wealth?
Ans. Volpone is very cunning. He has earned his wealth in an extraordinary way, that is, robbing others of their wealth by adopting clever method.
22. Why does Volpone pretend?
Ans. Volpone pretends to be sick in order to dupe Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, who aspire to his fortune. They each arrive in turn, bearing extravagant gifts with the aim of being inscribed as Volpone’s heir.
23. What does Corbaccio offer to give Volpone?
Ans. Corbaccio offers to give Volpone a sleep inducing drug.
24. What makes Corbaccio different from other legacy hunters?
Ans. Corbaccio’s partial deafness and old age make him different from other legacy hunters.
25. What does Mosca advise Corbaccio to become Volpone’s heir?
Ans. Mosca advises him to make a will in favour of Volpone is inheriting his son, Bonario in order to become Volpone’s heir.
26. What does Corvino bring as a gift for Volpone?
Ans. Corvino brings a pearl as his gift for Volpone.
27. How is Corvino different from other legacy hunters?
Ans. Corvino is different from other legacy hunters because he is a family man, married to an exquisitely beautiful woman, Celia.
28. In order to see Celia, what did Volpone do?
Ans. He disguised himself.
29. Who is the blazing star of Italy?
Ans. Celia, according to Mosca, is the blazing star of Italy.
30. What does Lady Would-be bring Volpone as a gift?
Ans. Lady Would-be brings him a cap she made herself.
Short Questions
1. What is comedy of humans?
2. How does Volpone commit mortal sin by worshipping his gold?
3. Why, according to Mosca, is Voltore appointed as the sole heir of volpone?
4. Describe the mountebank scene.
5. How does Mosca describe the beauty of Celia to Volpone?
6. How does Volpone try to seduce Celia?
7. What does Volpone do to torment the legacy hunters?
8. Comment on the trial scene in Volpone.
Or, How do the evil- doers get their punishment at the end of the play Volpone?
9. How does peregrine take his revenge on Sir politic?
10. How does Volpone torment the legacy hunters being disguised as a commandatore?
11. Is Volpone a beast fable?
12. How do the evil- deers get their punishment at the end of the play Volpone.
13. What is a beast fable?
14. How dose Volpone earn money and gold?
Broad Questions
1. Justify Volpone as a comedy of humours.
2. Sketch the character of Mosca.
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